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  • Writer's pictureSanskriti Srivastava

7 Relatable Quotes from Rainbow Rowell’s Fangirl

The title ‘Fangirl’ didn't excite me to read this Young Adult Fiction. But its reviews and recommendation from a friend forced me to invest my hours in Rainbow Rowell’s world of Cath and Simon.

I was travelling when I started this book and I must say it was a great escape from the chaos around me. Each character felt close to home. At first I conjectured that I'm going to hate Cath's character, but as the story progressed I understood her intentions. She was more relatable than I ever expected her to be.

If you like to read fan fictions or you’re a fan of Harry Potter books, this is going to be a great pick for you. For me the story got a little repetitive as it reached its climax. But for most people this book will be a treat and you should definitely give it a try.

1. Real life was something happening in her peripheral vision.

This was the first quote that I wanted to share because this was the most relatable one. I keep disappearing into the world of fiction. Real life is something that just keeps happening around me. While talking to my mom I think about new book ideas. While sitting with a friend, I wonder how that series character would react in this conversation. I keep drifting off to the world of stories. My real life memories are based on the things I imagined that day.

2. I don’t trust anybody. Not anybody. And the more that I care about someone, the more sure I am they’re going to get tired of me and take off.

I hate to say that I relate to these lines. I want to trust people but I can’t. I want to believe that they will not leave me but a part of me always keeps waiting for the day they turn their backs on me. I want the hope in my heart but all I feel is a heavy ball that keeps sinking. It’s hard for me to trust. But I must say that I have changed a lot in this year. I give more chance to life. It’s hard, but I place my trust in people. That’s the only way to live.

3. You give away nice like it doesn't cost you anything.

Some people always keep smiling. They always have something good to say about others. They always have compliments in their pockets like it costs them nothing. It’s true it costs no money but it costs your mind. To give someone a compliment you have to notice them first. You have to invest a little thought on them. I have great respect for those who actually do this. They balance the positivity ratio in this negative world. I am absolutely in love with those people. And if you’re one of them I want to thank you and I aim to be more like you.

4. She was tired of being the one who cried.

Emotions are tricky. I am an emotional person. And I’m sure most of those reading this, can relate to this quote. Emotional people cry when they are happy, frustrated, sad or even confused. It’s the most comfortable way to express ourselves. Most of the time we have no control over our tears and when we force ourselves to not cry, then we cry even more. I hate to be the one to cry in all situations. It sometimes makes me feel weak. But I also know that it’s good for my health. It’s good that I can openly express myself. I share a love hate relationship with my emotions.

5. Sometimes writing is running downhill, your fingers jerking behind you on the keyboard the way your legs do when they can’t quite keep up with gravity.

When I start to write, I stop few times wondering what to write. But as soon as I’m done with few sentences I cannot stop. I keep writing until my hands hurt or I get distracted. It’s like when you’re in a race. You run with all your power, but you are unable stop immediately, even after crossing the finish line. Or when you run too fast downhill and can’t stop because the gravity is pulling you with all its might. Same goes with writing. Once your thoughts start flowing you can’t stop the flood.

6. I don't want to do anything. I don't even want to start this day because then I'll just be expected to finish it.

Sometimes, the days feel heavy. One day you just wake up and feel the need to be alone. To just stay in your room and not face anyone. Not the outside world and not the people in your house. You wish you sleep and the next day comes soon. We noticed this a lot during pandemic.

Sometimes there’s no reason, we just want to stay in bed until the day ends. If it happens regularly with you then you should consult someone. But if it happens rarely, then don’t worry. Take comfort in the fact that you’re not alone. If you feel some energy coming up then don't forget to do a little dance in your room. Just throw your hands in the air and start jumping. You can just sway a little if you like. I promise, you would feel better. Count your blessings and just name one day to yourself. Chill!

7. I know what it’s like to be distracted. To seek out distractions. To exhaust yourself doing every other little thing rather than face a blank page

This is the most relatable quote for me these days. I am working on a book (spoiler alert its called 'APRIL') and all I try to do is avoid writing. I read, go for a walk, watch ted talks, listen music and even stare at the wall for hours. Don’t get me wrong, I’m really excited about my work. I really love writing each and every word for my novel. But I have to sit with my laptop and start writing few words before I can immerse myself in it. It’s only the beginning that I’m afraid to start. It’s the blank page of next chapter that scares me until I’ve reached page 4.

There must be something in your life too, that haunts you. You might love your work, but it takes a lot of effort to start. This is the reason most people can’t keep up with their gym. They would love to have a fit body and they might also enjoy the workout. But it’s the getting out of bed, changing clothes, wearing shoes and walking or travelling where they give up.

My advice to all those people will be to maintain a routine. To be honest, I fail to maintain my routine sometimes. But whenever I’m on the track, my life feels balanced. I know that from my personal experience. Not everyone can wake up at four and got to bed at nine like Murakami but you can at least try waking up at six. Go out. Take that Vitamin D. Walk or jog and let that fresh air purify your soul.

I hope you could find these quotes relatable and you got to discover few aspects of yourself. I expect you to take care of yourself.

Thanks for taking time to read this :)

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