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  • Writer's pictureSanskriti Srivastava

Netflix ‘Over Christmas’ Review : An average time pass for Christmas

Updated: Dec 30, 2020

Netflix is not shying away to be the official platform for Christmas this year. Almost each day it is launching a new Christmas delight. Recently Netflix launched the new Christmas limited series, ‘Over Christmas.’

As the name is not so exciting or unpredictable the same way is this Netflix limited series. It starts off with a sad aspiring musician ‘Basti’ who is too afraid to give an audition and is depressed over his year ago break up. From the first few episodes of the series, some people might be relieved to see that it is not all goody goody and not everyone’s life magically gets good around the Christmas.

Basti seems too excited to meet his family. This is because he thinks that they don’t have any problems like him. But as soon as he arrives he finds out that his brother is in relationship with his beloved ex-girlfriend and he senses some tension between his parents. After this it is a series of his stupid childish behavior that keeps making the situation a little more tense than before.

In the spirit of taking revenge, he sleeps with his brother’s first love. Although the writers have tried to show a natural attraction, the truth is that they both don’t look good together. There is zero chemistry between the two of them and to be honest it seems a little forced . It is also a little fast moving. But we just accept it as a part of the story and keeping our faith in the creators.

While in Christmas all the movies are portraying too good to be true families with so much joy in their hearts, ‘Over Christmas’ has portrayed a family having a lot of internal problems. Even though all of them are trying hard to not ruin the Christmas spirit, at one point it feels like they can’t go on until they talk about it.

The truth is that it is just like a series of normal episode from a family drama but Christmas is added to it in the hope to make it a Christmas series. And it does not get much unpredictable. All the actors look so apart from each other. The director and actors have done an average job.

At no point you feel attached to any character. It is expected that audience at least gets attached to the main character, that is, Basti. But the truth is he looks too sad from his face that even when he is happy his facial features make him look just a sad, shabby, lonely boy who is not brave enough to live his dreams.

The most unbelievable part is that he is living in Berlin from last even years but is still anxious to give an audition. Getting anxious feels normal but getting so anxious that he runs away seems too much. Constantly we get to know how he gets angry and very sad in his head but doesn’t express that much.

Overall it is a pretty normal series with nothing much to offer. So I won’t tell you that it is a must watch but you can definitely give it a try based on the fact that there are worst series present and in comparison to that it is a fine one. If you have free time on our hands you can give this German series a try.

It is currently streaming on Netflix.

I give it 2/5 stars.

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