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  • Writer's pictureSanskriti Srivastava

The Flight Attendant Review : Kaley Cuoco’s thriller is fast paced and breezy

Updated: Jan 4, 2021

If you have been a fan of The Big Bang Theory, you must have seen Kaley Cuoco as Penny. Her character is not so much different from that except that she can speak several language now and is in serious trouble. As the name suggests Kaley is ‘The Flight Attendant’ around whom the story revolves.

The flight attendant (Kaley Cuoco) is a party girl with a lonely life. Her life is all about travelling from one place to another when one day it all changes tragically. She goes out on dinner with a passenger and wakes up in a hotel in Bangkok with his dead body. While she has blurred memory of the night before, she is not sure if someone else murdered him or she did. So she gets very panicked and stupidly cleans the room. She runs away back to New York, but things doesn’t get any easier once the case goes to FBI.

While you read the story you might feel that it must be a very serious series to watch with a lot of intensity. But the truth is that it is a lot more peppier than anyone could expect a crime thriller to be. Kaley Cuoco's character is serious but she still manages to bring a little pep into her character.

The intro is well designed and correctly describes the feel of the show. It is colorful and fast moving animation.

The direction, screenplay, editing and music are all done in accordance with the way they want to present the story. Everything is a lot more upbeat than expected. The relationships are confusing for the characters themselves and hence for the audience too. Kaley's character is not too attached to anyone. The show moves at a very fast pace keeping you alert at all times.

All the characters from the show feel a little comic like. They all have features that come out of the screen and feel very different from one another, with very different personalities. The great thing about the show is that it is a different take on a crime thriller which does not make it monotonous even for a second. It gives you retro feels which is setup in a new world. Even New York feels a little out of character.

Although at first the show might seem to lack depth, but soon we realize that there is a lot more to the story than we can think. At first Cassie’s drinking seems amusing, but soon we get to see the reality behind it. It is not some fun drinking but actually very compulsive. There is so much emotional baggage that she carries around that now starts catching up with her after this traumatic event that takes place.

This is a big role for Kaley Cuoco as it revolves entirely around her. This does not mean that the side characters haven’t got much attention. But this is definitely a great look for Kaley’s career. The other actors look nice in their roles and we can see how a lot has to be uncovered as the series go on.

Right now HBO has only launched few episodes but it will soon launch others in coming weeks. While we are surrounded by dark series around us, I’m looking forward to watch this one because even without getting too dark it is definitely providing some brilliantly interesting content. Although the series has not dropped a major mystery bomb yet but it has still managed to keep me hooked up enough that I’m waiting to watch it further. Especially to see Kaley in a different role is interesting enough.

I won’t say this is the kind of series that will get a lot of hype or you will remember it for years. It is more of a watch and move on kind of series till now. But I do know that it is definitely a good watch. So if you have some time on your hands or you are a Kaley Cuoco fan then you should definitely give this series a try.

I give it 3.5/5 stars.

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