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  • Writer's pictureSanskriti Srivastava

Netflix ‘The Trial Of Chicago 7 Review’ – A thought provoking saga

Updated: Dec 20, 2020

After movies like The Social Network and Molly’s Game, Aaron Sorkin has arrived with another masterpiece – The Trial Of The Chicago 7. The netflix film is a star studded event of the year and is somehow still relevant even in today’s scenario. The film is based on the famous trial of 1969, where seven defendants were charged by the federal government. These charges are based on the violence arising from protests in Chicago at the 1968 Democratic National Convention.

Peaceful protests that were held against Vietnam War took a form of an ugly violent riot with tear gas and rifles. The incoming Richard Nixon administration decided to make an example out of it by charging the seven main protestors with conspiracy to stir up a riot. Avoiding all the spoilers, you should know that there is also an eighth person in the beginning of the trial, which due to some serious circumstances, is soon given a mistrial. This film is a re-enactment of the ludicrous trial that follows.

Usually the movies give little screen time to court room scenes because it usually gets monotonous after a time. But Sorkin took a very bold step by writing the whole drama in a courtroom and giving very little screen time for other scenes. The best part is that it does not gets monotonous at all.

The protestors who have been tried have very different personalities and even though they have the same motive from the beginning, they disagree with each other from time to time. They all have a different way to deal with different situations and as the story unfolds you see the sides that you were least expecting to see.

The diversity of the group enlarges when the leader of the Black Panther who is already on trial for murder of a police officer is tried with them but treated very differently by a typical white judge who is clearly partial and doesn’t have the patience to absorb views that differ from his own. One of them is quick to decide that it is not like any other trial but is in fact a ‘political trial.’

By a lot of critics, this movie is still said to be relevant in America during this period of elections when absurd statements are given from time to time by President Trump and the police officers behave irrationally sparking protests like Black Lives Matter. And as true as it is, it is also very sad that not much has changed in a long period of five decades.

If you just keep your focus on the story and forget about its geography, you’ll see that it is not a story which only Americans can relate to but it is also a story of every country where discrimination exists, where government often misuses its authority and people are put in jail for the wrong reasons. It is also relevant in India where a lot of protests that started peacefully were converted into violent riots after the involvement of police.

The movie is very predictable and yet somehow very unpredictable. The audience can most likely predict that their is very little chance that these protestors will get any justice and if they have read about the case already they know that they don’t. But what’s interesting and unpredictable about the story is how the protestors behaved, both at the trial and at the protests. Also it is very interesting to witness, that to what extent will the judiciary and government go to turn the trial in the favor of the police department in this case.

The only thing that is slightly disappointing about the movie is the character of Richard Schultz, played by Joseph Gordon Levitt, which seems promising from the beginning but doesn’t deliver much in the story and seems like a waste of Levitt’s brilliant talent. Besides that the casting is really good.

The music and the art direction is decent. The screenplay and direction are remarkable. The editing must be applauded as it keeps you attentive throughout the movie with various flashbacks of the protests and some archival clips. The actors left no stone unturned when it comes to depicting their characters and have done a commendable job in the movie.

In conclusion, it is a must watch movie that is not only meant for entertainment but also gives you a lot to think about your own government and the various protests that take place in your country. It is a sharp commentary on how people are often misunderstood and to what lengths authorities go to save themselves from the repercussions of their actions.

I give it 3.5/5 stars

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